When you put a hot pink sequined feather showgirl-style headdress on your baby and she smiles with delight? — that’s when you realize that, OH YEAH! This is absolutely my kid. For. Sure.
(I had exactly the exact same reaction the first time I put this headband on, by the way. The apple did not fall far from the tree.)
Seriously, I’ve been waiting all my life to take that picture at the top. Like, my sole purpose on this earth was to take a snapshot of this baby wearing a hot pink headdress.
Oh, and here’s another shot of the outfit, sans the bold accessory. The onesie and pants are by Circo, both from Tar-ghay.
Mint green and gray = a classic pairing. Plus, you can’t go wrong with leggings with a zig-zag pattern!
Your friendly neighborhood appeal addict,