Hook or Crook, What Are the steps in Your makeup process That You Never, ever Skip?

another day, another tightline!
There aren’t lots of makeup compromises I won’t make when I have to, because life happens, and necessity is the mother of invention. but whenever I do commit to doing something, anything, and as long as I have enough time for 5-minute makeup, I’ll always do the following…

1. I’ll fill in my “ghost brows” ?

Also known as the tail end of my brows, which tend to disappear like ghosts! I’m currently loving hourglass Arch Brow Gel.


Will I ever stop talking about this product? Um…probably not!

Well, not until something better comes along. It’s pretty amaze-balls.

2. curl my lashes

Every time I do them (the Surratt is my go-to these days), I pray that nobody sneaks up behind me and yells “BOO!” while I’m in the process… I have an irrational concern of inadvertently pulling out big chunks of lashes while I’m curling.

Anyone else suffer from this affliction? Anyone? Bueller?

3. Tightline my upper water line

Every. Damn. Day. It’s why I go through so lots of sticks of Chanel 88 Noir Intense. I do it a lot more now than I did in my 20s and 30s because my eyes are getting progressively a lot more hooded as the years go by (it happens to all the women in my family).

Tightlining creates the illusion of a little extra space on my lids and makes my eyes seem like they’re set deeper, and it also makes my lashes look thicker.


How about you? Hook or crook, what are the steps in your makeup process that you never, ever skip?

Your friendly neighborhood appeal addict,


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