Sundays With Tabs the Cat, makeup and charm blog Mascot, Vol. 700!!!

His royal Huskiness, Master of His Meowmain, and the single greatest force in the history of kitty supermodeling. I don’t care what anybody says. He was the one who started it all.

This is the 700th installment of Sundays With Tabs! My tabby young boy was here for 552 of them.


I miss him dearly. Tremendously. I tear up just thinking about it. He was and always will be the cat love of my life.

I mean, I’ve been blogging here on MBB because 2007… That’s a long time, and the only reason I’ve done it this long is Tabs. I can honestly say that he was my muse for many of those years. He was larger than life, both to me personally and here on the blog. He got my creative juices going. He made everything much more fun, and he seemed to delight in doing it. He loved the attention. He loved taking pics with me, loved the hugs and the stage direction, just loved being himself, and I loved being around him.

He was my partner, my confidant, my inspiration and my best friend. We matured together as people (and a feline). I’ll never forget him as long as I live.


Rosie continues to do a amazing job taking over for Tabs as CFO (Chief Feline Officer) of Tabs the cat Industries, LLC. To her credit, she’s never tried to upstage Tabs. She isn’t as passionate about kitty modeling as Tabs was because she’s her own cat person, with her own hopes and dreams.

I respect and appreciate that about her.


Thank you, Rosie, for being yourself. You’re a bad-@ss and a sweet, fantastic girl. I love you very much.

Your friendly neighborhood charm addict,


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